1. What does an "Exceeding" rating service mean?
This means our service goes beyond the requirements of the National Quality Standard in at least four of the seven quality areas. Click here more detailed information.
2. What does enrolment look like?
We offer 2-5 day permanent positions booked for 1 year. These can be tailored days to your individual needs.
3. Can I enrol my child part way through the year?
Yes you can. We offer an individualised orientation program for children who start later in the year.
4. What are the hours?
The Avondale Early Learning Centre is open 48 weeks a year, closed on public holidays. We operate Monday to Friday 7.30am–5.30pm.
5. What if one of my scheduled days is a public holiday?
Unlike many other Centres we DO NOT charge for public holidays. If your scheduled day happens to fall on a public holiday you will not pay for that day.
6. Is there an orientation procedure?
Under normal circumstances, we run a week-long orientation program in November to introduce you and your child to our team. We understand it may be your child’s first experience away from you and are also happy to meet your child’s individual needs at other times that may suit you better.
7. Can I visit my child throughout the day?
Yes, our parents are welcome to visit at any time throughout the day. Your contribution is highly valued. All parents receive a pin code entry that ensures the safety of our children while maintaining our open door policy.
8. CCS (Childcare Subsidy)
Contact Centrelink, they will assist you in receiving any benefits you may be entitled to and will provide you with a Customer Reference Number (CRN). Upon enrolment you are required to provide your CRN.
9. What are the qualifications of our educators?
All of our educators are highly qualified with numerous years experience in early childhood education.
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