“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
Over the last 12 months I have seen a great increase in the number of people outside, being active. My local bush tracks around the Morisset Peninsula, the Gap (Great North Walk) and Avondale University tracks have become very busy. I have also seen more cyclists out and about on our cycleways and roads.
It’s no secret that there are tons of benefits of exercise. For some, even knowing the benefits isn’t enough to get them moving. When you exercise, your daily life gets easier. It’s easier to walk up and down stairs, keep up with your children, and carry groceries into the house. It prepares your body to take on life, move regularly, lift things, so you can be ready to take on whatever vigorous work that comes your way.
I have been inspired by an elderly gentleman called 'Goldie' (80yrs) who for many years has ridden his road bike around the Morisset Peninsula every day whether it was rain, hail or shine, wearing a gold fluro top. I would often see him riding in the opposite direction and he would always smile and give a greeting. On one occasion I decided to turn around and catch up to him. Riding beside him, we were able to chat and he told me how he still raced in Newcastle and how it was his goal to ride every day as long as he could. I told him how much of an inspiration he was to me and I wished him well with his goal.
Are you active? Are you fit? Strava (a phone app that records your activity) has taught me that there are always people that are fitter and more active than yourself. Being a goal orientated person I began the last holiday period with the goal of riding 50km per day (17 days) for the Ride4Rescue fundraiser. On day 3 an Avondale Primary student and his dad, who were also doing the Ride4Rescue, told me to keep going and stay ahead of the 3rd placed rider. That one comment and 'Goldie' inspired me to increase my goal to 75km per day. I finished the ride averaging 74.6km per day. Goal achieved. Unfortunately Goldie doesn’t do the longer rides anymore but his goal is still alive as he rides everyday around Sunshine on the peninsula, rain hail or shine.
I am continually amazed at what our God given human bodies can achieve when pushed outside their comfort zone. I was recently reminded of this when I took my two grand daughters (3yrs & 5yrs) up the Gap walk. They achieved their goal which was to make it to the tower and back without being carried. They slept so well that night.
Many people have set a goal of 10,000 steps a day which is a fantastic goal because it does take time, effort, perseverance and maybe a raincoat. I would like to encourage everyone to not only take time to be active and fit but also take time to build your relationship with God. I find it easy to spend time with God when I am by myself on my bike.
What is your answer to the questions? Am I active? Am I fit? Do I make time for God? What is my goal?
Mr Graham Head
Head of Primary Sport
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